Wednesday, July 27, 2016

THRIVE: Read God's Word

It is hard to believe that July is coming to an end!  We just held Christmas in July on the hottest Sunday of the year.  Despite the heat, it was a great time to celebrate the birth of our Savior and Lord.

This week, our THRIVE focus is to Read God's Word.  We will be studying Luke 12:13-21.  Here, we learn that building up treasures on earth means nothing.  We are to build up our treasures in heaven.  Reading and studying God's Word is one way that we store our treasures with God.

It is interesting to ponder how we store things.  Many folks use storage spaces because everything they want to keep will not fit in their homes.  Others store things like documents and photos in the cloud, because our computers and devices cannot hold all that we have to save.  We are surrounded by so much abundance!  We are called to share what we have and to use our resources to bless others.  We must ask ourselves what we are doing with our many possessions.  We must also ask if we are storing up treasures on heaven as much as we are holding onto the treasures of earth.

Hold lightly to the things of this earth and tightly grasp the things of heaven.

Store up your treasures in heaven and be rich toward God!  This is the way to live a truly abundant life now and forever.

Pastor Linda

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Christmas in July

As I write this, I am sitting in the office listening to Christmas music.  It is time for Christmas in July!

This week, we are celebrating the birth of our Savior.  Our services will be full of Christmas music and we will rejoice in the birth of the Baby of Bethlehem.  It is a wonderful time to connect with our community of faith.

The angels sang, "Glory to God in the highest."  We will  join in giving God all of the glory and thanking God for sending Jesus to earth.

Christ is truly the greatest gift ever given, and, as Adam Hamilton says, "a gift you will never outgrow."

Jesus is with us always and everywhere, as he lives in our hearts.  The immeasurable love of Christ fills us and flows out of us into the world.  We are called to serve Jesus by living lives of love and by shining his light in to the dark places of this world.

I hope and pray that you are filled with Christmas this week, and that you share the good news of our Savior.  The world needs to know that there is an answer to the problems of our times.  That answer is Jesus Christ.

Let us always cherish the Baby of Bethlehem and tell the world that the Savior is here!

Pastor Linda

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Wow!  July is flying by quickly!  I hope and pray that you are enjoying the summer.

Last Sunday, July 10th, we started our THRIVE campaign.  The first way to thrive is to TALK WITH GOD.  Everything in our lives should begin in prayer, so that we follow God's will and not our own.  Our Scripture last week came from Colossians 1:1-14.  There, we encountered a Christian community that was known for its faith and love.  Paul prayed powerfully for these believers.  We were challenged to pray Paul's prayer for our own congregation:

     asking to be filled with the knowledge of God's will, with all wisdom and spiritual understanding...
     praying this so that you can live lives that are worthy of the Lord and pleasing to him in every way: by producing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God; by being strengthened through his glorious might so that you endure everything and have patience; and by giving thanks with joy to the Father.

This Sunday, July 17th, is the second week of our THRIVE series.  We will learn what it means to HOPE IN CHRIST, as we continue to study the book of Colossians.  Christ is our only true hope and we must place our faith and trust in him.  

God wants us to live an abundant life of faith.  We were not created just to survive; we were made to thrive.

If you are in the area, please come and thrive with us.  Worship starts at 9:30 AM at Verona United Methodist Church and at 11:00 AM at Rosedale United Methodist Church.

Thriving in His Love,
Pastor Linda

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Joyful July

It is July!  We are in the middle of the summer and much is happening at Verona United Methodist Church and Rosedale United Methodist Church.

This month, we are starting a new theme for the churches.  The theme is:  THRIVE.  For six exciting Sundays, we will explore what it means to thrive as a Christian and as a community of faith. 

We were made to thrive and to live life abundantly in Christ.  Come and join us as we learn and grow together in faith.

On Sunday, July 24th, we will be celebrating Christmas in July.  This will be a time to enjoy the music of Christmas and to celebrate the birth of our Savior.  There is a lot planned on this day.  Both congregations will have a time of food and fellowship following the worship service.  

Since we are celebrating Christmas in July, I have been thinking a lot about Christ's birth lately.  We are not really certain when he was born; it could have been during winter, spring, summer, or fall.  Here in Pennsylvania, we say that we dream of a snowy white Christmas.  I can't say for sure if that first Christmas was snowy; what I can say for certain is that it was the birthday that changed the world.

So often, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.  We forget that we are celebrating a birthday, the birthday of our King.  That is why we are making time this July to focus on our Savior.  We will explore his birth and the eternal impact of the manger in Bethlehem.

As Jesus was physically born in a stable, may he be born in your heart.  Let us be a people full of God's Holy Spirit as we journey and grow together this summer.

Pastor Linda