Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pigs and Pebbles

I hope that you are keeping cool during this hot weather.  One thing I like to do while I am keeping cool is to listen to some good music.  This week, I have been listening to the music for Vacation Bible School.  It is awesome!  It will be great to share the music with the children during the week of August 10th-14th at Verona UMC from 6:00 PM-8:30 PM.  Please encourage the children you know to come and participate in VBS.  We will have a lot of fun together!

We are also going to have some fun in worship this week.  The sermon title is "Pigs and Pebbles."  The challenge is to figure out what pigs and pebbles have to do with our Scripture lesson from Ephesians 4:1-16.  Here is a hint:  If you follow the pig, you will have some neat pebbles and some great experiences.  You will have to come to worship for that to make sense.

Seriously, though, we are considering the gifts that God gives to build up the Body of Christ.  Each of us is gifted; each of us is called to serve the Body of Christ and to work to advance God's Kingdom.  The theme song for Vacation Bible School puts it like this:

We have his love, His gift of faith;
Saved by God's amazing grace. 
Go, help, share, serve,
Giving God the glory!

So, this week, consider your gifts and how you can use those gifts to serve others.  As you pray, ask God to show you what you can do to build up the Body of Christ.  Search God's heart for how you can share the love of Christ with a world in need.

The theme for Vacation Bible School this year is Camp Discovery.:  Jesus at Work through Us.  May you truly discover Jesus and may he work through you now and always.

We gather together each week to celebrate God's presence and to build each other up in the Lord.  Come and catch the excitement.  Share the fun! 

Pastor Linda

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Our summer theme can be summed up in one word, "Believe."  We have been considering who Jesus is and how we respond to him.  If we truly believe, our lives are changed because of that belief.

Jesus shows us that God is here with us.  Knowing that is vital to our lives.  We must learn to depend on God and to trust God fully.

This week, we are considering Jesus' feeding a crowd of over 5,000 people in the wilderness.  He used what was given, 5 loaves and 2 fish, to feed a multitude.  In his hands, little became much.  All were satisfied and there were 12 baskets full of leftovers.  Jesus proved that he was and is God with us.  Wow!

I am fascinated that there were 12 baskets full of leftovers.  Many people believe that the 12 baskets represent the 12 tribes of Israel, and demonstrate that God provides for all of God's people.  I wonder if the 12 baskets could also represent the 12 apostles.  Jesus repeatedly calls his followers to feed his sheep.  Here, he provides the much needed resources for each of the apostles to do so.

When we give what we have to God, God works miracles.  Crowds are fed.  People realize that God is present.  We all grow and learn to depend on God.

When we depend on God, we learn to work together to feed the multitudes both physically and spiritually.  It is my prayer that we grow in God's grace and make a difference in this world.

Paul prays this in Ephesians 3:18-19, "I ask that you'll have the power to grasp love's width and length, height and depth, together with all believers.  I ask that you'll know the love of Christ that is beyond knowledge so that you will be filled entirely with the fullness of God."

We believe!  Fill us, Lord!  Let us believe and live!

Monday, July 13, 2015

No More Barriers

This week we will be considering the topic of barriers.  Barriers divide and separate us in many ways.  Jesus came to remove the barriers that separated us from God.  Because of Christ's mighty actions, we have "instant access" to our Heavenly Father.  Jesus also showed us how to love others so that we could be united in Christ.  He calls us to remove the walls that separate us from others and to realize that he died for each and every person that ever was, is, or will be alive.

We must work to live out the love that Christ shows us.  We must strive to remove hatred and to bring peace to this troubled world.  It is a tall order.  So many things separate us.  We have been divided for so long that it is hard to see how we could live in unity.

As I was studying for this week's message, I learned a lot about the divisions in the Temple in Jerusalem.  I discovered that there were serious penalties for entering forbidden places.  If  Gentiles ventured inside from their designated court area, they were executed.  The punishment for ignoring a barrier was death.  The divisions between peoples and genders were rigid.  Even the Jewish men had limited access to the Temple.  The temple veil or curtain separated all but the high priests from the most holy area.  When Jesus was crucified, the temple veil was torn from top to bottom.  Jesus opened access to Almighty God.

I am so thankful that I can talk with God anytime and anywhere!  I am grateful that Christ removes barriers.  As I ponder Christ's great deeds, I realize that I am called to work to remove the barriers that separate people from God and from each other.

It is hard to tear down walls and barriers.  In most cases, much effort has gone into the creation of sturdy walls and firm barriers.  Yet, Christ calls us to love all people with the love he shows to all.  We are to love as Jesus loves.

As you pray this week, ask God to help you to identify the barriers in your life and to remove everything that separates you from God and from other people.  Pray that you are filled with the love of Christ and that you will be able to see the world as God sees it.  Reach out to Jesus and reach out to other people.

One of my favorite poems is a short one by E. Markham.  It goes:

He drew a circle that shut me out;
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win;
We drew a circle that took him in.

Start taking others in and embrace the people that God puts in your life.  Work to live without barriers.  Love God and love others.  It is the real way to live.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Reflections

May and June certainly flew by quickly!  Since I last wrote, I have been blessed with some restful vacation time and by sharing in Annual Conference in Grove City.

I spent most of my vacation time at home with the cats.  It was a blessing to have time to read, to listen to music, and just to relax.  Such times of refreshment are vital to the body and to the soul.

Times of gathering together in faith are also essential.  This year, at Annual Conference, I was blessed to renew many relationships and to share in worship with brothers and sisters in Christ from across western Pennsylvania.  It was a joy to join together and to share in the many ways that we are serving God in our Annual Conference.

Now, however, things are returning to "normal."  It is also a joy to resume the regular routines of ministry at home.  I am looking forward to a summer full of sunshine and Son-shine, as we share together in worship and in service.

During the month of July, we will be focusing on what it means to believe in Jesus Christ.  We will consider our calling as Christians and we will reaffirm our faith that God is real and present in our world.  We will review the creeds of our faith and will examine what we believe.  Please come and join us as we learn and grow together!

This week, we will consider how God has destined us for greatness in Christ.  It is exciting to know that we are God's adopted children and that we share in God's promises.  We are traveling together in the power of the Holy Spirit, as God brings all things together in Christ. 

As you talk with God this week, thank God for your adoption.  Ponder what it means to be chosen and welcomed into God's family.  Consider the great love of Christ that makes your adoption possible.  Embrace the gift of the Holy Spirit who empowers you to live as a child of God.

And, finally, rejoice!  Take delight in the wonders of God!  Spend time with the Savior!  Live for the honor of God's glory through the power of the Holy Spirit!

Believe!  Believe and live!